Adding ‘Democratic’ to your name usually means you’re anything but. Take the Democratic People’s Republic of (North) Korea, the Democratic Republic of (East) Germany, and the Democratic Party, for example.
The party of democrats who don’t want you to vote, liberals with a taste for censorship, and free-thinkers who toe the party line.
What they call ‘democracy’ happens to be just that: the party line. A word to sum up their pet projects: abortion, open borders, compelled speech, and social experimentation. A totalitarian ideal they genuinely believe in.
Liberal totalitarianism is seductively sophisticated, with promises of instant gratification broadcast non-stop through media and academia. It’s to the point where forming a valid opinion on our own no longer feels necessary.
Come election time, the machine goes into overdrive, repeating “democracy is at stake.” But what they mean is their agenda is at stake. Not your ability to vote, choose your representatives, and have your voice heard in a proportional manner.
No, that’s the commoner’s democracy. That’s the threat. It was never about everyone getting a participation trophy; it was always about the elites choosing the winners. Still, they realise that just as cookies are good, but sometimes we get ants; democracy is good, but sometimes we get conservatives.
Their solution? A Pyrrhic democracy where winning means losing because you are always undermined by the deep state. First, policies are outsourced to multilateral organizations and executed by government-funded NGOs and corporations. Then it’s a numbers game: rig the civil service, pack the courts, and ramp up immigration in time for the next redistricting.
All that might not be enough to protect democracy because, as Lenin says, more important than the people who cast the votes, are the people who count the votes. You need to deal with election processes: ballot-harvesting, mail-in votes, voting machines. No ID required because, again, who’s voting isn’t exactly important… [Read more]