Brilliant treatise...kudos!!

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Oh man, I missed the best line in this piece until I read it a second time: "The God who offers atheists something to disbelieve in." 🤣 As Cosmic one-liners go, this is a real zinger! Truly, divine providence knows no bounds. Actually, it may be exactly what Jesus was saying in his somewhat overlooked admonition "Be perfect even as your Heavenly Father is perfect, for He makes his sun to shine on the righteous and the unrighteous alike. "

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Tit for Tat. There is already a nucleus of people that want the cooperation of government and have implemented ARTICLE I Section 1 on Oregon. We will turn the entire system to Correct and Honorable. In game theory this has already been played out. There are no exceptions once it has reached this point.

A proper oath, is to the proper de jure Constitution(s) with Laws of Nature and of Nature's God included, without exception this year 2024.

When it is or was just one of us. The de facto system picks us off and punishes, incarcerates or kills us. However when a social compact is formed the benefits of a cooperative culture are apparent and it grows. Take a look at the Gulag system of the USSR it followed “Game theory.” The selfish system failed after killing millions but it failed. The de facto Sheriff system in place on Oregon is cycling out and the de jure is cycling in the pendulum on this situation has changed. Similar changes have happened throughout the several states and territories. The de facto cannot exist without deception. It will cycle out one proper oath at a time.

Our Constitutional republican form of government was co-opted after 70 years. The negative, selfish “He who can be deceived let him.” system does not work when the deception is gone. The social compact of people on Oregon has already happened and our time has come. We know about misprision of felony and “they” know that we know. Therefore, Tit for Tat is the best strategy for the “non-evil.” It only gets better for them if they cooperate with the social compact. It only gets worse if they continue to defy the cooperative option.

If the person chooses to remain in the de facto then they support evil. When one denies the laws of nature and of Nature’s God one cannot exist in a social compact on Oregon.

The evidence shown by the social compact of ARTICLE I Section 1; the fraud of the perpetrators of the de facto starting in 1860 with deception is clear for all to see. More people see it every day; the fraud of ARTICLE VII (Amended) from November 8, 1910 is clear; more persons realize they are people; people respond differently than persons; body, mind, spirit, flesh, blood, soul when aware of the fraud becomes part of the social compact which is also known as our self organizing collective.

When you can see into the truth and through the deception you will eventually become part of the de jure. On Oregon that is the provisional government that will return Oregon to ARTICLE VII (Original). You must do it yourself, no one can do it for you, we cannot do it alone. Enough of us have discerned the Cool-Aid and will no longer participate in the evil. The rest will self correct or perish this year 2024.

It is incontrovertible evidence. We have proof the Sheriff knows an oath is false and does not repudiate it and take a proper oath! That is treason.


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I am a creationist,too. However, I believe in the young earth concept. Carbon dating has been proven to be false because of the apriori assumption that creation “evolved “. God can and did create plants, animals,. Etc. fully formed and developed in an infinite variety of examples. Man co-existed with dinosaurs. Even the depth of dust on the moon is consistent with a young earth theory.

I definitely am a creationist but not of an earth billions of years old and there is much evidence to prove that. I would recommend Ken Ham’s website for one.

Keep up the good work.

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There is no real evidence to prove your "young earth" theory and there is plenty of evidence to disapprove your theory. This forum is not the place to make the arguement, there is just not enough space in this forum. However other forums are available to do so. I suggest that anyone who is reading this post search the evidence that is available on the internet and then choose for yourselves after you have reviewed all the evidence what is the correct theory. Search for yourself what is out there and make your decision based on the proponderence of the evidence that is available to you from said search.

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