Sep 2, 2023Liked by Cauf Skiviers

Without election reform, conservatives will lose regardless of the candidate they run. Sadly, the uniparty is not calling for it because they know that cheating works and there are no consequences.

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C'mon, what's a little ballot harvesting among friends?

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Sep 2, 2023Liked by Cauf Skiviers

True- we should be more tolerant.😆

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Sep 2, 2023·edited Sep 2, 2023Liked by Cauf Skiviers

All true.

What’s the answer?

Ben Shapiro in a recent episode stated what I believe.

Culture drive’s government, government does not define culture,

The divided states population has very different cultural values today.

The culture of San Francisco has very little in common with the culture of Des Moines IA.

You can rail on the culture of the left all you want. It changes nothing,

The only answer for the divided states is to move power back to states and ideally communities.

Money=power! Very simple way to implement. Repeal the 16th amendment. Whatever structure the federal government has would then need to convince states to fund it.

All culturally divisive issues would then be impossible to enforce at the federal level.

Trump was asked by Tucker if it’s time for a civil war. Bravo to Tucker for pointing out the elephant in the room. Too bad Fox and the media don’t have the guts to ask that question!

Do you?

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Civil war? I find it unlikely. While the US is undeniably and perhaps irreversibly becoming more politically divided, the same is true in other parts of the world, such as the UK and EU. Historically, multiple 'countries' have survived for centuries despite having vastly different or even opposing cultures within their borders, like the Ottomans and Austro-Hungary. The primary reason I believe a civil war is not on the horizon is the absence of a power vacuum in the US. The US government is too centralised, far-reaching, and cohesive to allow a civil war to erupt. However, this could change with time, especially if that cohesion is challenged by an external power, perhaps China in a few decades -- and especially if they develop a capable blue water navy. This is why Taiwan is so important, in my view — in a way that Ukraine will never be — as a Chinese invasion (which, if you pay attention to what Xi says, you can only conclude will happen) could pose such a challenge, demanding immense resources and attention, and potentially exposing the US government to an existential threat.

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Sep 2, 2023Liked by Cauf Skiviers

I believe the term "civil war" is really a term for dividing the country.

The civil war happened because Lincoln refused to let the south secede. If states seceded, I don't believe the federal government would go to war.

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True, there's the 'civil war' you mention and the weaponisation of everything, everywhere under the government's sun is a testament to that; but I've seen Tucker and many others hint at a de facto civil war many times. I think that's where he was going with his question to Trump, but Trump intelligently defused the question and use it to his advantage.

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Sep 3, 2023·edited Sep 4, 2023

If "politicians" started acknowledging the real issue - a divided country cannot stand - instead of beating on the other, it would be easy to avoid any violence.

The dysfunction is that the vocal left and right (you are part of the vocal right) is that they both want to force the country into their superior view. There is no "superior view" in politics. Unless the politicians want to be dictators.

How would you suggest the divided states move forward given the cultural divide is likely to just widen?

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Sep 6, 2023·edited Sep 6, 2023

Fine work, but pointing out the hypocrisy just doesn’t matter to the deranged anymore. I well remember how Bolsonaro’s defeat was hailed as a strike against ‘racism’ and other Luso-fascist sins, rather than another fraud perpetrated by Lula, who truly is a well-documented career criminal. And the fact that Orban is so despised by the culturally suicidal Western Europe, simply for opposing invasion, shows that he’s doing something right. I’m going to Hungary next week and I can’t wait to enjoy a European country. Paris may still look like it in still photography, but in reality it’s just another place to hear the Muezzin.

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