Well, it's about time that realism entered foreign policy. Trump might be a bull in a china closet, but sometimes this disaster needs to happen to clear out obsolete merchandise and replace it with things that customers can use. The detritus left around from a now bastardized make-believe European aristocracy needs to stop relying on arrogance and whining and start paying their own way financially and intellectually. Germany's castration based on its behavior in WWI and WWII allowed it to be a moocher and a loafer on the international scene. As to the rest of Europe, they need to emerge from the mist of 70-year-old institutional thinking. Good article Cauf.

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Thank you! You're absolutely right -- they seem lost between delusions of Trump as an evil dictator and the U.S. as Europe's God-sent guardian angel. It’s about time they wake up and realize that international cooperation is great and benefits everyone, but only when all parties can stand on their own two feet first

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